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A romantic writer
42 Watchers379 Deviations



Behind the alternative scenes - 370.2

De Snor keek om zich heen. Sidonia had weer eens een van haar beroemde familiefeestjes gegeven, al was er nu niet al te veel familie aanwezig. Sidonia had al aangegeven dat haar neef en nicht niet konden komen en ze hadden een grotere vriendenkring dan dat ze familieleden hadden. "Wat denk je, Jacques, zou er een reden zijn waarom ze nu zo plotseling een feestje geven? Misschien hebben onze kinderen eindelijk iets te vieren in hun leven?" Papal Ambik nam plaats naast de Snor. Papal was de enige die hem bij zijn echte naam noemde; de anderen gebruikten zijn bijnaam. Hij had beide namen nooit erg gevonden, al was hij nu zeer gewend aan zijn bijnaam. "Het voelt alsof er iets aan de hand is. Ik kan er gewoon mijn vinger niet opleggen." Op dat moment verschenen Sidonia en Lambik uit de keuken. Ze zetten schalen met eten op tafel en begonnen met de gasten te praten. Er was iets ongewoons aan hen beiden. "Het was leuk dat we hadden gewed, maar ik zie die twee nog niet met elkaar


379 deviations

Behind the alternative scenes - 370.2

De Snor keek om zich heen. Sidonia had weer eens een van haar beroemde familiefeestjes gegeven, al was er nu niet al te veel familie aanwezig. Sidonia had al aangegeven dat haar neef en nicht niet konden komen en ze hadden een grotere vriendenkring dan dat ze familieleden hadden. "Wat denk je, Jacques, zou er een reden zijn waarom ze nu zo plotseling een feestje geven? Misschien hebben onze kinderen eindelijk iets te vieren in hun leven?" Papal Ambik nam plaats naast de Snor. Papal was de enige die hem bij zijn echte naam noemde; de anderen gebruikten zijn bijnaam. Hij had beide namen nooit erg gevonden, al was hij nu zeer gewend aan zijn bijnaam. "Het voelt alsof er iets aan de hand is. Ik kan er gewoon mijn vinger niet opleggen." Op dat moment verschenen Sidonia en Lambik uit de keuken. Ze zetten schalen met eten op tafel en begonnen met de gasten te praten. Er was iets ongewoons aan hen beiden. "Het was leuk dat we hadden gewed, maar ik zie die twee nog niet met elkaar


311 deviations

Behind the Alternative scenes - 370

Hoofdstuk 4 370: De Krijtkampioen Sidonia staarde uit het keukenraam, ontmoedigd door de regen die gestaag naar beneden viel. Het was uitgerekend vandaag, de dag waarop ze aan hun vrienden en familie wilde vertellen over haar zwangerschap. Ze was al zo zenuwachtig als maar kon en de regen leek een slechte voorbode te zijn. “We maken er een geweldige dag van, Sidonie. Maak je maar geen zorgen.” Sidonia draaide zich om en zag Lambik haar keuken binnen komen. “Het zou fijn zijn als we naar buiten kunnen.” zuchtte ze terwijl ze naar het sombere weer buiten keek en ze ging weer verder met een van de vele hapjes voor die dag. Er viel een stilte tussen hen en Lambik liep naar haar toe. Hij ging naast haar staan en keek hoe ze bezig was met het gerecht. “Sidonia…” “Kan je mij met rust laten, Lambik? Ik moet nog zoveel doen en zo weinig tijd en dan ook nog…” Lambik gaf haar de kans niet om haar tirade af te maken. Hij pakte haar handen, trok haar zachtjes nog dichter naar hem toe en

Suske en Wiske - Behind the Alternative scenes

6 deviations

Tale of two sisters, chapter one

The tale of two sisters Chapter 1 It was a dark night in spring. The only thing that lit her path was the brightness of the moon, and nothing more. She didn't dare to lit her flash light, because she was afraid it would give away her position. "Crack" Oh, for Peetes sake! This can't be true! She looked around her to see if she caught any attention, from anyone at all. But there was no movement, not other than the trees when the wind blew around once more She continued her journey, getting closer and closer to her target. Her goal; she had no idea what to do there, but she knew that she wanted to talk to her. And maybe the worst thing o

Tale of Two Sisters

5 deviations

Behind the scenes - 367

Suske en Wiske Fanfiction Behind the scenes 367: De harteloze Hein Het was weer een dag als al die andere dagen. Geen orkanen, hittegolven of bijzondere zaken. Gewoon het dagelijks nieuws zoals het dagelijks nieuws hoorde te zijn. Daarnaast deed alles het eindelijk, de vergaderingen werden voor de verandering ergens anders gedaan en iedereen was gewoon aan het werk. Nou ja, bijna iedereen. Margaritha had haar vakantie opgenomen. Ze had te veel dagen open staan en Martin had haar op gedwongen vakantie gestuurd. Want naast de te veel vrije dagen, klaagde Margaritha de laatste tijd over vermoeidheid, concentratieproblemen, stemmingswisselingen en zo nu en dan last van duizeligheid. Om te voorkomen dat ze een volledige burn-out zou krijgen, had Martin haar verboden om twee weken een voet in het gebouw te zetten en nog net niet haar laptop laten inleveren. "Sidonia." Sidonia keek op. Ze was op dat moment bezig met een mailtje voor de vervanger van Margaritha met opsommingen wat nog

Suske en Wiske

20 deviations

A new life, Epilogue

A new life Epilogue It was the last week before the summer holiday. Just a few more days before the agents of U.Z.Z. would have a month off and didn't have to worry about the bad guys. And this was the week where the last things were being checked and the last files being put away. Agents Scott and Todd just arrived at the runway of the sky bikes. They were just finished with the last test drive and it was time for some break. So the two of them sat down at the edge of the runway. There was enough that they could do, but they wanted to enjoy the sun before it would be gone. The English summers could be so changing sometimes. "Scott, did y

A new life

20 deviations

A toast to our future morning

A toast to our future Morning It was just another day at the end of July in the United Kingdom. The day just started and people started to go to work and those who had children, had to stay home or bring the kids to someone else. But it was also another day to save the world for the U.Z.Z. agents. Which meant that Anita Knight should be going to work now. She went to the kitchen to see if her father was there. Before she was born, Arthur Knight had been a Special Agent at U.Z.Z. But once Anita was born, he decided to give up the dangerous job and become a teacher. By the time Anita turned eight, her father had been abducted by the Imposto

A toast to our future

6 deviations

I won't let you down Last Ch

I won't let you down Last Chapter "I can't believe it. Special Agent Arthur Knight, still alive." Arthur smiled a little bit. "It's nice to see you again, Professor Professor." he said. "The only change is your height. Did you get smaller somehow?" Professor Professor grimaced. Just when he wanted to say something, the door of his lab went open. "Professor Professor, I cannot believe that you just sent my son to the Impostors!" Mildred walked to the small Professor. From an old friend of hers who still works at U.Z.Z., she learned that Professor Professor had sent Victor down to the Impostors. And she wasn't thrilled about it. "And beside

I won't let you down

4 deviations

Anita's Secret 2, last chapter

Anita's Secret The wedding is near! Chapter 22 Somewhere in a peaceful part of London, was a charming and a pretty busy Anglican church. It was the church where Victor and Anita were going to get married. The white cart arrived at the church and Victor stepped out of it. His parents were already in the church, waiting for him. And, if everything was all right, their friends were there already too. He lifted Hannah out of the cart and placed her onto the snowy ground. "Be good, honey. I'll see you in a few minutes." Hannah nodded as Victor helped Anita to get out. "Thank you, Victor." she said as she looked at him. Victor gave her a sm

Hannah Series

28 deviations

Just one touch - Chapter 1

Just one touch Chapter one The T.H.E.M. spiderbase, it was hidden on a place where no U.Z.Z. agent would ever look. The expendables had a fight with U.Z.Z. a few days ago and Doctor Doctor was already planning a new attack. Through the hallways of the spiderbase, walked an expendable with a blue suit and a number seven on the blue helmet. “Blue Seven!” sounded and an expendable with a red suit and a number nine on his helmet came out of nowhere. “Red Nine, you scared me to death.” the female, blue suited expendable said. “What is it?” “You need to bring Doctor Doctor’s lunch today.” Red Nine s

Just one touch

12 deviations

Christmas at Volt

Christmas at Volt Unlike the years before, it was a rainy Christmas that year. You couldn’t find the snow anywhere at all and the sun decided not to show up that day. Not that it really mattered. Because the house of Mildred Volt was always warm and cosy. Anita Knight stepped out of her car. Since a few months, she and Victor Volt got a car. Ever since their son Timothy was born, it seemed like a good idea to get a car. But getting a car was a pricey business, so they saved some money and got a nice car in which their family would fit. That year had been very turbulent. That year, the Wobblemen from Dimension Ten were back to take over the earth. And once again, Victor and Anita failed to bring Lionel home. They tried hard to get him back, but nothing seemed to work. So the Volt-family had to celebrate another Christmas without their father and husband. On the other hand, there was someone who did come back. Anita never told anyone about her, but that autumn her twin sister came

Holiday Stories

28 deviations

In an Instant- Chapter one

In an Instant Chapter one A little house, not far from the U.Z.Z. base, was the home of an U.Z.Z. agent family. Anita was in her kitchen. It was almost dinnertime, so she was busy with making dinner. “Hey, Anita, what’s for dinner?” Victor walked into the kitchen and he looked to Anita. “It smells good.” “It’s something vegetarian.” Anita turned around and she looked to Victor. Victor placed his arms around Anita’s waist and he looked into her eyes.  “You’re a true sweetheart.” he said. “I’m making vegetarian dinners for more than eleven years.” Anita sa

Old Fanfics

39 deviations

Trust me Last Chapter

Trust me Last chapter Victor and Anita walked into the lab of Professor Professor. “Are you sure this time will work?” Victor asked when he saw Professor Professor. “We wanted to go to the beach today.” “It won’t take very long, Victor.” Professor Professor said. He walked to Anita. “Are you ready?” “That depended, will it hurt a lot?” “No…maybe it’ll tickle a bit.” “Alright, but I hope it’ll over soon.” Professor Professor smiled and he took Anita to an empty spot in the lab. “If you stay still here, than I can put the laser on.” 

Trust Me

8 deviations

In an Instant Chapter 17

Chapter 17 I was tired. I still couldn’t believe that Kent was the double agent. He’s a wonderful husband to Jennifer and a wonderful father to his daughters. How could he ever let it come that far? “Anita, are you alright?” I heard Victor saying and I nodded. I looked to Vincent and I knew he was just as tired as we were. “Come on, Vincent. It’s time to go to bed.” I said and Vincent nodded. He was just too tired to disagree with me, so without any protest, he walked upstairs. “Maybe we should do this more often.” said Victor with a little smile. “Please Victor,” I sighed. “

Other stories

15 deviations
The next generation of UZZ 1

The Secret Show OC

9 deviations


78 deviations
Trafalgar Square


12 deviations
Sea girl


24 deviations
Thank you?

Rewritten stories

10 deviations

RP Wolfmaiden and me

Victor and Anita: What? We don't like each other that way!!!! Jae and Eszie: Suuurrreee you don't. Victor: Deny what? Jae: That you love each other! ^_^ Anita and Victor: We don't- Eszie: then why are you almost kissing in this picture? Anita & Victor: We would never... Jae: But you are already kissing each other Anita: We are not! Eszie: You are, it's visible evidence, you can't deny it Victor: Prove it. Jae: *grabs Eszie's picture points at it.* See! See?! Anita: We weren't trying to.. Eszie: Yes you were Victor: But we don't- Eszie: Yeah you do Victor and Anita: No we don't!!!! Eszie: Oh, come on! We caught you red-handed. Jae: Yeah! We h


87 deviations