
I'm here for you - Ch. 6

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Eszies-Eszie's avatar

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Weeks had flown. Eliza had proved herself on her first day in the Training Room. She had worked for the Belgium division for some years before she went to the UK. While there were some other bad guys, the aliens and the underground creatures had been the same.

Eliza stretched herself. She and Victor had been writing reports the whole afternoon. They had an Impostor attack in the morning and now the paperwork had to be done. But she had the feeling she had been sitting in that chair the whole afternoon.

She stood up and walked around a little bit. She knew that afternoons like these were boring, but it had to be done. Eliza looked around her. She liked her co-workers. Even though she and Kowalski were the only female agents in Ray’s team, she had a good bond with the guys as well.

“How about a little training within some time?”

Eliza turned around and saw Kent and Kowalski standing there.  Through the weeks she became best friends with Kent, Kowalski, Scott and Todd amongst others. “Are you sure, Kent? Last time we had a training together, it didn’t quite end well.”

“You really think that would happen again?”

One of her first trainings was together with Agent Kent. And Kent figured he could easily win from Eliza. He didn’t know Eliza had been an agent for a few years already. So when Kent said to Eliza he would go easy on her and Eliza even tried to warn him, she kicked his butt, big time. Within a few seconds, Kent was on the floor.

“I won’t go easy on you now, you know.” said Kent with a big smile. “Besides, let’s make it more interesting. Two against one.”

Kowalski shook her head. “What Kent is trying to say is that we need some training in ‘two against one’ combat. How do you work together against one enemy and how do you fight off two enemies at the same time?”

Eliza snickered. She would never say no to a training on a day like this. “Sure, why not. I can always use some training around here.

While they walked towards the Training Room, they started to chat about some random stuff. Eliza was mostly wondering about Kent’s hometown and Kowalski’s background.

“My hometown is a small village in Texas. Nothing really important happens there. I wanted to do something excited. Not just the same thing over and over again. And as you know, I really like to play video games. Via a game, U.Z.Z. invited me to come and work for them. And I said yes.”

Eliza smiled for a moment. “Don’t you miss your family back in Texas?” She knew from her own experiences how it was to leave your family behind. England wasn’t that far away from Belgium, she would be back with her family in an hour flight if she wanted to.

“Sometimes. My dad died a few years ago and my mother still lives there. Last time I spoke to her, she told me she had plans on moving to London as well. In case she might get any grandchildren.”

Eliza and Kowalski snickered. If there was one agent who didn’t like kids, it would be agent Trusted. They both had the idea that Kent would be single for ever and would only date women for a week or so.

“How about you, Kowalski?” asked Kent. “Your family lives on the countryside here.”

“Just a few minutes from here if I would take the skybike.” said Kowalski with a smile. “And they are proud of what I do, thank you very much.” Kowalski thought for a moment. “My dad was a soldier until a few years ago. My father always taught me that it should be an honour to serve our country. And eventhough I’m not in the army, he agrees with me that I serve my country, and sometimes even the planet.”

“Do you guys have siblings?” Eliza suddenly asked. She only had a big sister, who was very busy in Africa.

Both Kowalski and Kent shook their head. “Was an only child, even an accident.” said Kent. “My parents never really wanted kids and suddenly, I was born. Decided that one kid was enough.”

“No idea why my parents would never wanted any other kids. They rarely speak about this kind of family matters.” said Kowalski with a sigh.

Eliza smiled. She loved this kind of small talk between the missions. “How about Victor? And Anita for that matter?”

Kowalski and Kent looked at each other. “We have no idea.” they both said. “They rarely talk about their family. Never really having the time to have some small talk with us.”

“I can imagine that.” said Eliza. The only reason both she and Victor were at the Control Room, was because it was so quiet that day and she was different than Anita. Eliza had learned that when Anita and Victor worked together, they had more missions. Not only fighting bad guys, but also doing some undercover work and observations from time to time. Besides that, for the UK division she was still considered a rookie agent.

“Come on, we didn’t went to the Training Room just to talk about things, but we came here so I could kick your butts.” said Kent with a big smile as they walked into the Training Room.

Eliza gave him a big smile. “I don’t think so. The only way you could beat us, is when we would go easy on you.” she laughed and Kowalski laughed with her.

Yeah, there was no way Eliza would be going back to her home country any time soon.
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HedgeCatDragonix's avatar
Great to see another TSS fanfic by you! You always make great ones :)